Summer Registration Opening Soon!

Private Lessons – Rates and Policies

Fees Effective from September 2024 – August 2025

Private Lesson Rates

$35.00 per 30 minute lesson
$52.50 per 45 minute lesson
$70.00 per 60 minute lesson

Advanced Level RCM Grade 9+

$80.00 per 60 minute lesson

Semi-Private Lesson Rates for Guitar and Ukulele

(Maximum 2 Students)

$42.00 per 30 minute lesson
$63.00 per 45 minute lesson

Director Lesson Rate

$40.00 per 30 minute lesson

Registration Fee

$35.00 per school term per student


Attendance & Cancellation Policy

  • Missed private lessons are non-refundable.
  • If a student cancels a lesson, MSI Langley is under no obligation to provide refunds or make up lessons.
  • If a private lesson is cancelled or missed with less than 24 hours notice, the lesson is forfeited.
  • If more than 24 hours notice is given, a make up lesson is not guaranteed, however the instructor will put the student on their cancellation list. If the instructor is able to schedule a make up lesson, there is a maximum of 2 make up lessons per school year. Multiple attempts to reschedule a missed lesson are not guaranteed.
  • If a make up lesson is cancelled or missed by the student, the make up lesson is forfeited.
  • If the student wants to switch to an online lesson during their regularly scheduled lesson time due to sickness, MSI Langley must be notified within 3 hours of the start of the lesson time so we can arrange with the instructor to switch the in person lesson to an online lesson via Zoom.
  • If the student comes to their lesson sick or with cold symptoms, they will not be taught and their lesson will be forfeited as there will be no time to switch to an online lesson.
  • Lessons missed by the instructor due to sickness will either be taught online when possible or rescheduled.
  • Any pending make up lessons will be forfeited by June 27th, 2025.

Lesson & Holiday Schedule

  • The full School Term consists of 33 weeks of lessons scheduled on Mondays, 38 weeks of lessons scheduled on Tuesdays and Fridays, 39 weeks of lessons scheduled on Wednesdays and Thursdays and 37 weeks of lessons scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays. Lessons will begin Tuesday Sept. 3rd, 2024 and end on Friday June 27th, 2025. Lessons that are not included in the school term are Truth and Reconciliation Day (Sept. 30th), Thanksgiving Monday (Oct. 14th), Remembrance Day (Nov. 11th), Christmas Break (Dec.23rd-Jan. 5th), Family Day (Feb. 17th), Spring Break (March 17th- March 30th), Victoria Day Weekend (May 17th – 19th) and Recital Day (June 17th). Lessons will be taught on the Thanksgiving Saturday & Sunday weekend and Easter Monday.

Arriving Late

If you arrive late, your lesson will still end at the scheduled time. This loss of time will not be made up at another time. If you arrive on time but the previous lesson runs late, you will be given your full-allotted time. Please be on time, but try not to arrive any more than 5 minutes before your scheduled lesson to limit disruption of the previous lesson.

Turn-Around Time

All teaching time ends 2-3 minutes before the end of the session to allow for turn-around time between students.


  • Non-attendance is not confirmation of withdrawal.
  • Students wishing to discontinue lessons before April 1st, 2025 must notify the Music School one (1) month in advance in writing. If notice is not received, the Student will continue to be charged for lessons.
  • Upon termination of lessons, any prepaid lessons not taken will be refunded to the student (excluding those that fall within one (1) month of withdrawal).
  • If the student chooses to withdraw early from lessons, any pending makeup lessons will be forfeited.
  • April 1, 2025 is the last day for students to withdraw from lessons with a months notice. After this date, the tuition will continue to be charged until the end of the current school term. Withdrawal notice must be given in writing. **Exceptions to this policy will be made if you are moving out of the area, or for compassionate grounds such as a prolonged illness (in this case a doctor’s note will be required.)**

Trial Lesson / Meet the Teacher

If a student and their parents would like to have a 30 minute time slot with a teacher prior to signing up for lessons, they will be charged for that lesson time. During this time the teacher will have the ability to hear and see they student’s abilities and discuss what plan you would have going forward. Alternatively, a student and their parents may schedule a complementary 10 minutes to meet the teacher, see the studio, discuss the students musical history and have a quick assessment done.

Lesson Payments

All lessons are paid for in advance. Music Schools International Langley REQUIRES that lesson payments be made through PREAUTHORIZED bank debit. The first 4 lessons must be paid for prior to starting lessons after which the automatic payments will take effect. Payment on a weekly basis is not permitted. A $25.00 NSF Fee will be charged on ALL returned/failed payments. Please note that the bank requires ten business days to cancel preauthorized bank debit.